Our Mission: Improve the Welfare of at Risk Infants

Your support will mean life-changing benefits for impoverished newborn infants.

Our Mission: Improve the Welfare of at Risk Infants image




Your support will mean life-changing benefits for impoverished newborn infants.

Our Mission: Improve the Welfare of at Risk Infants

Tiny Showers offers infants born into poverty the essentials needed to have a safe and healthy start in life. Many of us know how costly it is to provide for an infant, that is why we have partnered with Cribs For Kids, to provide low-cost cribs, to prevent the dangerous practice of co-sleeping. Tiny Showers provides all the safety and hygiene items on a case-by-case basis for infants in poverty.These items include car seats, portable cribs, appropriate newborn to 6 months clothing, baby bathtubs, hooded towels, blankets, and hygiene supplies.

We need your help to complete our mission.Please donate today.!!